Aloschi Bros



No Poverty

Zero Hunger

Good health and weel-being

Gender Equality

Clean water and sanitation

Affordable and clean energy

Affordable and clean energy

Sustainable cities and communities

Responsible consumption and production

Climate action

Life below water

Partnerships for the goals



We put our "Taylor made" experience in the search for new solutions and innovative ideas for each specific market segment.

As a tour operator for more than 60 years, we understand our role in promoting truly sustainable tourism; therefore, we position ourselves as a key actor in this value chain to promote sustainability and minimize the negative impact that tourism itself can have on the environment, and we invite our partners to do the same.

Sustainability is a core value for the company and guides every decision we make. Our attention to the environment is a priority, which is why we try to promote soft mobility and reduce environmental impact. In addition, we are committed to educating our customers about sustainable tourism and choosing suppliers with green approaches.

We believe that responsible tourism is an opportunity to interact with local communities in an ethical and balanced way, limiting the invasive impact of tourism.

We are proud to work with small local businesses and scattered hotels, promoting knowledge of local culture and respect for the natural and socio-economic environment of the communities.

The company is involved in projects and campaigns to respect the environment, promoting eco-sustainable practices such as soft mobility and the dissemination of information on sustainable tourism; we believe that only through shared responsibility can we preserve our planet for future generations, and we are willing to do our part.

Sustainability also extends to respect for workers and the reconciliation of work and family life for our employees.

We are proud to have a team made up primarily of women and mothers, and we believe that protecting workers’ rights is an essential value.

The Company is committed to ensuring the utmost fairness in the conduct of its business, also to protect its image.

The Company considered it necessary to revise the internal control and risk management system in one, with the adoption of a set of rules aimed at disseminating, at all levels of the Company, solid ethical integrity and strong compliance with the law.

The Company firmly believes that it is necessary to introduce in the management of the company the logics and evaluation tools based on the principles of the “2030 Agenda”.

The company adopts policies that comply with the “Blue Flag” and “GSTC” criteria created by the tourism community in response to the global challenges of the United Nations “Sustainable Development Goals”.

Unite for Impact: Our Sustainable Journey Ahead

Dear Stakeholders,

In June 2024 we will present our first Sustainability Report on a voluntary basis, covering fiscal year 2023, the year in which we have intensified the path of integrating, into our business logic, the goals set by the “2030 Agenda.”

The call to action that underlies the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is based on the premise that, the 17 goals are not addressed only to governments but to society as a whole.

The SDGs represent both a challenge and an opportunity, aimed at both businesses and investors, whose role is considered essential to achieving these goals.

They are a unique concept, as this is the first time in history that a global plan has been developed to promote social welfare, economic development, and ecological sustainability.

Precisely because of this, our 2023-2025 strategy has a strong focus on sustainable governance and the social sphere.

We are aware that we can do our part, not only as citizens but as business women and men.

That is why we invite you to read our Code of Ethics and our Policies, making them your own and respecting and enforcing them.

Thank you for your Commitment!

The Chairman of the Board of Directors

  • We grant employees freedom of employment and contract termination with notice.
  • We provide working conditions that comply with national labor law and a job description in the employment contract.
  • We grant employees paid annual leave and sick leave and unpaid annual leave benefits.
  • We adopt a health and safety policy for employees that complies with national legal standards.
  • We have first aid kits and trained personnel in all relevant locations.
  • We meet the national minimum age for admission to employment.
  • We have a system for measuring employee satisfaction through internal meetings.
  • We create opportunities for students to participate in internships/apprenticeships.
  • We declare that we do not hinder union membership and collective bargaining at work.
  • We prohibit hiring discrimination in terms of gender, race, age, disability, ethnicity.
  • We guarantee employees equal opportunity and access to personal development opportunities through training.
  • We are committed to actively reducing the use of disposable and consumer goods.
  • We encourage the purchase of goods and services, such as shuttles/buses and electric cars, to reduce CO2 emissions on our tours.
  • We purchase bulk products to reduce the amount of packaging materials.
  • We set our copier and printing machines to default to duplex printing or other forms of paper-saving modes.
  • We use non-hazardous, biodegradable cleaning materials that are certified with an eco-label if locally available.
  • We have implemented measures to reduce brochure waste, trending, over time, toward an “internet only” policy.
  • We are committed to measuring, monitoring, and reducing energy consumption, using energy-efficient lighting.
  • We turn off lights and equipment when not in use and set default equipment to energy-saving mode.
  • We prefer energy-efficient equipment when purchasing new items.
  • We have adopted an active policy to reduce water consumption.
  • We adhere to the “ZERO WASTE” protocol.
  • We comply with national legislation on waste disposal.
  • We are committed to reducing staff travel while promoting more sustainable modes of transportation. Our employees during their lunch break stay at the company, returning home only in the evening.
  • Properly maintain and inspect company motor vehicles, to reduce emissions and energy consumption and ensure that they meet legal emission standards.
  • We provide periodic guidance, training, and/or information to all staff, on their roles and responsibilities with respect to internal environmental practices.
  • We contribute to the protection and preservation of local assets and sites of historical, archaeological, cultural, and spiritual importance, and do not impede access to them by local residents. In our tours we respect the nature and traditions of the places visited.
  • We work only with organizations that are truly implementing sustainability in their tourism policy.
  • We regularly assess the sustainability practices of our key partners to ensure that their practices are truly sustainable.
  • Inform key partners about the travel companies’ sustainability policy and that they are required to comply with it and/or communicate it to end customers, where applicable.
  • Include key sustainability clauses in contracts with partners/suppliers.
  • We try to ensure that vehicles used during tours do not pollute above the legal limits.
  • We consider transportation to be an important aspect of sustainable tourism and do our best to reduce the average level of pollution.
  • We select the most sustainable options by considering price and comfort when choosing transportation options to the destination.
  • Consider sustainable transportation to the point of departure for international/long-distance travel.
  • We encourage partners to achieve sustainable certification.
  • We prefer locally owned and operated accommodations.
  • We give preference to accommodations that operate with internationally recognized certification – e.g., GSTC and/or Travelife.
  • We include standard sustainability clauses in all contracts with accommodation providers that focus on child labor, waste management and biodiversity protection.
  • We are committed to ensuring that through our accommodation supply chain, children’s rights are respected and protected.
  • We work with accommodations and restaurants that incorporate elements of local art, architecture, or cultural heritage, while respecting the intellectual property rights of local communities.
  • We are creating an inventory of environmentally or culturally sensitive excursions in each destination.
  • We advise guests on standards of behavior during excursions and activities with an emphasis on respecting local culture, nature, and environment.
  • We communicate our sustainability goals and requirements to contracted excursion providers by distributing this information via code of conduct, social media, email, discussions, and/or meetings to minimize negative visitor impact and maximize the experience.
  • We do not offer excursions that harm humans, animals, plants, natural resources such as water and energy, or that are socially and culturally unacceptable.
  • We do not offer excursions in which wildlife is kept in captivity, except for activities that are properly regulated in accordance with local, national, and international laws.
  • We commit ourselves not to be involved with companies that collect, consume, expose, sell or trade wild species unless not re-enter in a regulated activity that guarantee that their use is sustainable and compliant to local laws, national and international.
  • We select experienced and/or certified guides to guide our guests to sensitive cultural sites, heritage sites, or ecologically sensitive destinations.
  • Advise our guests on excursions and activities that directly involve and support local communities by purchasing services or goods, traditional handicrafts, and local production methods (food) or visiting social projects.
  • Do not select destinations where tourism leads to negative local structural effects.
  • We give priority to selecting new destinations that can be reached by more sustainable means of transportation.
  • We respect legally based land use planning, protected areas, and heritage regulations.
  • We support initiatives that improve relationships between accommodations and local producers.
  • We do not promote souvenirs that contain threatened species of flora and fauna as listed in the CITES treaty and the IUCN “Red List” or historical and archaeological artifacts.
  • Ensure that the client’s privacy is not compromised.
  • We comply with relevant standards and voluntary codes of conduct in marketing and advertising messages, not promising more than what is provided.
  • We make service and pricing information clear, including sustainability statements.
  • We provide destination information, including sustainability aspects, which is factually correct, balanced, and complete.
  • We inform customers about the environmental impact of different transportation options to reach the destination and offer sustainable alternatives where available.
  • We systematically measure customer satisfaction and take the results into account, for service and product improvement.
  • We include sustainability as an integral part of customer satisfaction research.
  • We have clear procedures in case of customer complaints.
  • We inform customers about sustainable alternatives regarding accommodations, excursions, vacation packages, and transportation options.
  • We inform consumers about the main sustainability issues and problems in the destination and get advice on how to make a positive contribution.
  • We inform customers about risks and precautions regarding health and safety issues in the destination.
  • We always have a contact person and phone number available for emergency situations.

Codice Etico

Gender Equality and Inclusion policy